David (Q735085)

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movement: High Renaissance (Q1474884) Early Renaissance (Q1472236)
genre: nude (Q40446)
artist: Donatello (Q37562)
collection: Bargello National Museum (Q388448)
location: Bargello National Museum (Q388448) Palazzo Vecchio (Q271928) Palazzo Medici Riccardi (Q911047)
country of origin: Republic of Florence (Q148540)
material used: bronze (Q34095)
commissioned by: Cosimo de' Medici (Q48544)
based on: First Book of Samuel (Q1975029)
fabrication method: sculpture in the round (Q2520013)
time period: Early Renaissance (Q1472236)
exhibition history: Fiera Milano (Q2524205)
depicts: David (Q41370) head (Q23640) hat (Q80151) boot (Q190868) laurel wreath (Q734844) helmet (Q173603) contrapposto (Q514847) teenager (Q1492760) man (Q8441) Goliath (Q192785)
instance of: statue (Q179700) bronze sculpture (Q928357)
Florentine musea catalogue ID: 00287035
Panorama de l'art ID: david

catalog URL: http://www.bargellomusei.beniculturali.it/opere/bargello/96/david/

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